Did Mao's message reach the people?

How I first met with his own words
Not a calligraphy !

This was how I first met with the chinese words
of Mao's poetry, quite a couple of years ago:
As you can see, I got the text of "Answering to
Mr. Liu Ya-tzu" on a restaurant's bill sheet,
where a gentleman kindly wrote it down for me.
According to his path through life and his profession,
I'd not have expected him neither having special
sympathy toward chairman Mao and his politics, nor
his education being adequate for dealing with his
ancient-style poetry - or even knowing it by heart!
But this obviously was the fact!
I think, this might be one achievement going back
to those men, the last line of Mao Tse-tung's poem
"Snow" (misinterpreted so often) is talking of: