Mihai Eminescu

Pe aceeasi ulicioarã...

Pe aceeasi ulicioarã
Bate luna în feresti,
Numai tu de dupã gratii
Vecinic nu te mai ivesti !

Si aceiasi pomi în floare
Crengi înting peste zaplaz,
Numai zilele trecute
Nu le fac sã fie azi.

Altul este al tãu suflet,
Altii ochii tãi acum,
Numai eu, rãmas acelasi,
Bat mereu acelasi drum.

Ah, subtire si gingasã
Tu pãseai încet, încet,
Dulce îmi veneai în umbra
Tãinuitului boschet

Si lãsîndu-te la pieptu-mi,
Nu stiam ce-i pe pãmînt,
Ne spuneam atît de multe
Fãr-a zice un cuvînt.

Sãrutãri erau rãspunsul
La-ntrebãri îndeosebi,
Si de alte cele-n lume
N-aveai vreme sã întrebi.

Si în farmecul vietii-mi
Nu stiam cã-i tot aceea
De te razimi de o umbrã
Sau de crezi ce-a zis femeia.

Vîntul tremurã-n perdele
Astãzi ca si alte dãti,
Numai tu de dupã ele
Vecinic nu te mai arãti !

("Convorbiri literare",
XII, 1879, 1 februarie nr. 11)

In demselben ...

In demselben trauten Gässchen
Pocht der Mond ans Fenster dir,
Du nur, hinter seinen Stäben,
Magst dich nimmer zeigen mir !

Und dieselben blüh'nden Bäume,
Zweige übern Zaun gebeugt,
Nur das Glück vergangner Tage
Wenden sie nicht mehr ins Heut.

Anders sind nun deine Augen,
Anders deines Herzens Schlag,
Doch ich, immer noch derselbe,
Komm diesen Weg noch Tag für Tag.

Ach, so schlank und voller Anmut
Und dein Schritt so leicht und zag,
Suchtest du mich süß im Dämmer
Unter dem verschwiegnen Hag.

Als du sankst mir in die Arme,
Sank die ganze Welt uns fort,
Hatten uns so viel zu sagen,
Aber sprachen nicht ein Wort.

Küsse nur waren die Antwort
Auf die e i n e Frage hin,
Und nach anderem auf Erden
Stand zu fragen nicht dein Sinn.

Wusst' im Zauber junger Liebe
Nicht, dass es dasselbe gar,
An ein Trugbild sich zu lehnen
Und nehmen Weiberwort für wahr.

Wind bewegt noch die Gardinen,
Grade so wie ehedem,
Aber du dort hinter ihnen
Lässt dich niemals wieder sehn !

(Aus dem Rumänischen übertr. v. Alfred W. Tüting
2008 © All rights reserved)



Beats the moon upon ...

Beats the moon upon my window
Down the same untroubled lane.
Only you are never passing,
Nevermore beyond my pane.

And the same prune trees in blossom
Reach their branches o'er the fence,
But the hours the past has taken
Never shall again come thence.

Other is your soul's intention,
Other eyes you have today,
Only I who am unchanging
Tread for ever that same way.

O, how slim and young and graceful,
Secretly with paces slow,
Would you come to me at evening
'Neath the hidden hawthorn's bough.

While my arms were clasped about you
It seemed we from the earth had sped;
And we talked great things together,
Though not a word had either said.

Kisses were our single answer,
Many queries, just one task,
While about the world beyond us
Neither had the time to ask.

Aye, little I knew in youth's enchantment
That it is alike absurd
Or to lean against a shadow,
Or believe a woman's word.

And the air still moves my curtain
As it used in times of yore...
Moonlight down the lane uncertain,
Only you come nevermore.

(Translated by Corneliu M. Popescu*)

* It seems that the young author wanted to tell a somewhat modified (personal?) story (cf. 1st and last stanza).


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